Acupuncture, Tel: 01244 552193
[email protected] I am a Chinese acupuncture specialist with over 27 years experience in alopecia, infertility, anxiety, depression, CFS, eczema, psoriasis, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, pain relief, trapped nerves, CRPS, post-operative pain and numbness, neuralgia, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia, migraine, nerve damage, sexual dysfunction, morton’s neuroma, arthritis, menopause, sinusitis, overweight, insomnia, peripheral neuropathy, thromboangiitis obliterans, IBS, asthma, high blood pressure, MS, MG, sports injuries, diabetes, hay fever, smoking and more. With my pain free needles and expert techniques, almost all my clients feel some relief after just one session! My clinic is located in Buckley, Flintshire, North Wales.